SO if you haven´t guessed, it rained a lot this past week. It doesn´t usually rain too hard though, so i just put on my little windbreaker and bust out my umbrella and we work normally. It did rain when we were leaving to go grocery shopping though which was exciting cause we had our bags and it was coming down pretty nice. Fun times. The rain is a nice break cause the air is real cool and it feels good to be outside. It looks like we might get more of it this next week too. Life of a missionary, right?
Also real fun this week, I got my first 24-hour bug. I ate a little cake thing before bed on Tuesday (i bought it at a legit store, it was packaged, all the good normal stuff) and idk what happened cause I woek up in the middle of the night feeling preeeeetty stellar. We stayed in that day and I spent most of it in bed pretty wiped. Since then, I´ve been eating basically normal (a bit less than usual - blessing in disguise?) and have been hurting a bit stomach-wise every once in a while but its all good. That´s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes, especially for the Gingos.
Also fun story from my week- so we have this investigator named Gloria. About 50 years old, real nice and sincere lady, reading the scriptures, doing well, all that. I think i told you a bit about her last week. So she had been having some issues with the Law of Chastity; she has a boyfriend that she really likes and all but she feels really awful after shes with him, like can´t look her kids in the eyes bad. So we talked about repentance and the Atonement and all the blessings that God has given us to get rid of these feelings. She starts to light up. She gets all pumped up and breaks up with the dude. Awesome. She is happy. Dude gets mad, thinks shes leaving him for someone else, all that. But she´s fine. Fast forward about 4 days, we went with a memebr to go visit her and talk to her and make sure her spirits were up one night. She syas all is well, shes reading the scriptures and staying away frmo the dude. Perfect. She´s happy. We leave. The next day, she calls us and said that while we were talking the night before, the boyfriend was HIDING IN THE BUSHES LISTENING. After we left, he got up and banged on the door and was all yelling your leaving me for these kids blah blah blah and shes freakin out. Her 25 year old son comes home, sees him yelling, knows hes talking about us and that were good normal people, and starts beating up the dude. They are all fighting and stuff (by this time the neighbors are all watching and up in on this) and Gloria gets the chance to leave and call the cops and they take him away and she filed a suit against him. so yeah, preeeeetty freaking awesome stuff. Satan is working hard on Gloria, but she is a stalwart and awesome. Shes really getting a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Its really special to be a part of her conversion.
So yeah thats my fun stuff for the week. I hope everyone is doing great and i miss you all! Keep up the prayers for Zipa and me. Hopefully my next letter will include Belén´s baptism!
I love you all!
Elder Frat (close, but no cigar)
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