Thursday, January 22, 2015

i at my lif

my computer has the e and h key busted and it like destroys all of everything. Cut and paste only works so well. I will type a few things without trying to worry about it and my regular grammar errors and it will just be a fun game for you all :)

So today my comp finally finisd is scond mont r in t mission. It is supr cool, but also maks m fel wird to know tat in 3 days, I will b finising my 21st mont. Kinda strang. I fl old. I fl lik nowadays I just lik don´t gt mad aboput anyting. Lik I don´t know if it is just I am so usd to t mission problms tat appn or wit popl or companions or watevr but I am just lik supr cill wit vryting. I jsut fl lik happy all t tim and it is supr cool. Lf is t gratst. I´m so appy to b r in Colombia. 

Tis wk a supr awsom invstigator of ours wo was prgrssing rally wll and ad bn going to curc a fw wks totally frakd on us tat dcidd to tll us tat sinc  ad gon to a tstimony mting and vryon just talkd about Josp Smit and t Book of Mormon tat w arn´t Cristians. W trid so ard to xplain to im but  ad jsut alrady mad is mind and dcidd tat it was lik tat and didn´t want to listn. tat was a bummr. I advis vryon to plas rmmbr tat w blong to t Curc of JESUS CHRIST, not t curc of Josp Smit and if w ar so sur tat w bliv tat, lts mak sur tat is clar wn w sar wit popl and spcially in cruc. Tanks!

Wit t transfrs tat w ad last wk, my comp and I ar now covring t ara tat otr missionaris wr in, and our ara as just about quadrupld in siz and it is insan. W ar basically opning up t ara. Wic is crazy bcaus wn I got r to Yopal 4 monts ago, I opnd up y ara from scratc. So now I av opnd up two aras in tis city in 4 monts. MY LIF IS A NUTCAS!!!

As I look back at wat I av writtn, I probably sound lik a crazy prson. But I don´t rally car tat muc. Bcaus I migt just b a crazy prson. Wic is okay. But ya. If you can undrstand tis mail, snd m a mssag and wn I gt om I will unt you dopwn to prsonally giv you a gold star. Ya, you bttr bliv it. I totally would do somting ridiculous lik tat.


ldr Pratt

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