Hey fam and friends! I hope you're all doing just dandy!
This week was another pretty strange one. On wednesday, we went up to a little pueblo in the mountains (like a 3-4 hour bus ride from Zipa) to visit a guy named Livardo. He somehow (i dont remember) got a Book of Mormon from someone in passing and has been communicating via telephone with our mission president for a while now. He is a real awesome guy. He had never met with missionaries, but he had already read the Book of Mormon twice (and studied it, like the dude had notes and was quoting scriptures to us), the Doctrine and Covenants once (and was on chapter 62 from his second time through when we arrived), and the Pearl of Great Price once. And the dude knows his stuff. We went and brought him a bunch of gifts from the mission pres- more books and magazines frmo the church for him and his family, including 12 Books of Mormon he asked for to share with his friends- and it was a super cool experience. He lives in really humble circumstances on a farm up in the mountains, but the guy really recognizes the blessings he has received from the Lord and really wants to follow him. Reall really awesome experience. He already knows like all the doctrine from the missionary lessons we were planning on teaching, and more so has a testimony of them and the church. It was real real powerful to hear him testify of that stuff. We are gonna head back up this week to talk with him. WHAT A GUY
Another fun thing that happened this week - INTERCAMBIOS. I went to a little city called Sesquilé that is part of our district (about 1-2 hours from Zipa) and spent 24 hours with a different companion- a GRINGO. His name is Elder Salisbury and he´s from Washington and super cool. He has been out on the mission for about 5 months and his spanish is a bit worse than mine, so that was fun. We definitely got help from above that day because I could understand all the spanish wayyyyy better than normal and we had some pretty killer lessons. Also we got to chat in english, which is a new experience hahah. Really awesome stuff.
I GAVE A TALK IN CHURCH and i think i did pretty well. I think my grammar was actually alright and i got some compliments which is always nice. maybe someday i wont have to worry about how to say things and can just say them haha.
Also, the Branch President here in Zipa, Pres Asprilla, totally remembers an Elder Gubernick (pretty sure i spelled that wrong and im sorry) from about 15 years ago. that was like so so cool to hear that. FV2 LEGACY LIVES ON IN ZIPAQUIRÁ.
So that´s and lots of teaching is what my life was this past week. Pretty cool stuff. Its crazy powerful to be out here seeing people change their lives and seeing how they light up when they here about how they can be forgiven of their sins, how they can live with their families forever, and how they can really comunicate with their Father in Heaven and receive personal guidance. It´s a huge´blessing to be able to take part in their learning process and get to leave my testimony of the things I know with them. SHARE THE GOSPEL - if it makes you happy, it´s gonna make other people happy. Just give them the chance to hear it.
I love you all, keep my and Zipa in your prayers!
Elder Gringo (preeeeetty common one. during the intercambios we had, Elder Sanahuano told me that a bunch of people asked - Where´s Elder Gringo?)
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