Friday, March 6, 2015


I FOUND OUT WHY THE MILK HERE IS WEIRD! I talked to a member who used to work in a dairy production factory.
They take milk. Then they add water. Then they add like two giant blocks of butter. Like the size of a car engine blocks. That proportion to a truck full of milk. That´s why it is so weird.

ummmmmmm WELL in other news, life here in Cúcuta is great! The heat has gone down the past couple of days, we have been contacting a LOT and meeting new families to teach, we have this 18 year old kid of soem recent converts who is progressing a whooole lot and it super pumped to get baptized in a few weeks, and the members are starting to work with us more. I love it here! Also, we have a border with Venezuela so we have a cool view of the mountains and the city on the other side of the border hahah

Short letters for the win!

Elder Pratt loves you

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